Monday, March 25, 2013

What's wrong?

Often we end up in heated arguements.There's always a consistent clash of minds,thoughts that begin to explode at the wrong time,opinions that fights for its survival and all for what? To prove a point of view. And when your opinion is accepted even grudgingly, you feel elated.You've won the first round. You are a winner, because you've said something or looked at a solution which others have not thought of at that point of time.You imagine yourself  to be a winner in other's minds and that's the greatest reward you were looking for before the arguement took some shape. There are also times when you know that you can't push your opinion against another when the other happens to be someone who appreciates your hard work more than your all knowing approach to life. That's it. At times one can be wrong at the right place or right at the wrong place.

Think Big!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hey Guys
For quite sometime I've been planning to create a wacky comic strip titled Yes Baass! on corporate life in general.
We all have had some funny moments and continue to have them which lingers on till you hit the sack.
Sometimes we get up from the bed with an impish smile on our face remembering the previous day's funny incident at work. That's life.
Work pressure,deadlines,delivery,targets so on and so forth and still there's plenty of room for those funny bones. A bit of fun here and there gets your spirit on a high,isn't it?
Yes Baass is all about a mid level exec's everyday's inspiration or his perspiration at work.He thinks and behaves and at times dreams of being indispensable to the organization. Let his dream roll on.Afterall,everybody's entitled to their opinion.
Yes Baass! Because corporate ladder has too many steps for some. And too little space for some.